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鍐涗簨鍖诲 绉戝 闄 噹鎴樿緭琛 鐮旂 鎵 琛 娑茶嵂鐞嗗 鐮旂 瀹や富浠伙紝鍐涗簨鍖诲 绉戝 闄 嵂鐗 唬璋 噸鐐瑰疄楠屽 鍓 富浠汇 傞暱鏈熶粠浜嬬郴鍒楁柊鍨嬫垬浼ゆ晳娌绘 琛 鏉愭枡鐨勪綋绯诲寲鐮斿彂鍜屽垱鏂拌嵂鐗 复搴婂墠璇勪环鐮旂 銆傚厛鍚庝互绗 竴璐熻矗浜烘壙鎷呭浗瀹堕噸澶ф柊鑽 垱鍒跺啗鐗硅嵂涓撻 2椤广 佸崄浜斿啗闃熸寚浠ゆ ц 棰? 椤广 佸浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁 瀛 熀閲戦 鐩? 椤广 佸寳浜 競鎷涙爣椤圭洰2椤广 傚彂琛ㄥ 鏈 鏂囩櫨浣欑瘒锛屽浗澶朣CI鏀跺綍璁烘枃14绡囷紝鍗曠瘒鏈 楂樺奖鍝嶅洜瀛? 365銆傜 涓 鍙戞槑浜鸿幏鍙戞槑涓撳埄鎺堟潈3椤癸紝鑾峰啗闃熺 鎶 杩涙 浜岀瓑濂? 椤癸紙缃插悕绗 竴鍜岀 涓夛級锛屽啗闃熺壒闇 鑽 柊鑽 瘉涔? 椤癸紝鍐涢槦鎴樺 鑽 潗鍌ㄥ 鍝佺 1椤广 傝幏鏂颁骇鍝佽瘉涔? 鐮旂 鍛樸 佹暀鎺堛 佸崥澹 敓瀵煎笀. 鐮旂 鍛橈紝鍗氬 鐢熷 甯? .
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2018년도 사용 예정 의약품 선정자료? 2017년도 사용 예정 의약품 선정자료? 신약 및 원외처방약 자료제출 - 2016년 .
To the Department of Pharmacological Sciences at Stony Brook University School of Medicine. Our mission is to provide excellence in biomedical research, graduate and undergraduate education. program in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. program in Biomedical Science, track Pharmacology.